Saturday, February 23, 2013

Grand performances

 Jonah has recently shown interest in going on the potty.  After his bath today, I put him in his towel and sent him to his room so I could dress him.  I walked in and found him hovering over his diaper box in the pooping position. (Is that too much info for a blog?) Anyway,  I told him to quick go sit on the potty. On the way to the bathroom a little terd fell on the floor.  It was so hilarious.  After reading about 10 books, the real thing happened.  He was so excited and said "mommy, it's a nugget!"  You can decide for yourself if you think nugget is the appropriate term.
 He decided later that it was a log.
 Adam loves to take the kids on rides around the yard in the snow.
 The kids absolutely love it too!
 Jacob was "starving" one night before bed.  Believe me we had already had several snacks.  This is his final plea.  Pretty good try I guess.
 Child labor?
 How does Jonah make these messes so quickly?
 Do you see the little red headed culprit hiding behind his bed?
 Jonah performing a concert.
This picture was supposed to follow the one of the clothes in the bed, but somehow got out of order.  I don't even know what to say about this except maybe we should get rid of a few toys.  I have to say that most of the time I am thankful for messes and deposits in the toilet and 5 pounds of spilled sugar.  My life would be so boring without my 3 beautiful and busy children.  God gave me a different sense of humor when he made me a mother.  I wouldnt trade my days for anything.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blogger of the Year

 So, it's been a long time since I've updated this thing.  Is there some kind of award for lamest blogger?  Anyway, here we are at the Christmas Tree Farm picking out our tree. Jacob was pretty happy to hold the saw.
 Jonah pulling our tree "boat" as he called it.
 Jacob recently got sports glasses. 
 Somehow these pictures got mixed up.  My woodsman husband cut our tree for us.  It was really fun to pick out our own this year.
 Jonah helping in the kitchen.  He's my taste tester.
 Not much to say about this picture except "who dressed this child?"
 Have I ever mentioned that my kids are monkeys.  Don't ask me what made Laney decide to do this.

 We recently had to get a new water heater.  The kids decided the box could be a slide.  Pretty genius if you ask me.

 Laney loved helping make Christmas cookies with me.
 My new kitchen light!  I love it.  All the bulbs actually work and the new fan does not sound like its gonna take off and fly around the room like the old one did.
 Doesn't every handyman work like this.  I got a big kick out of this for some reason.

 We went to Greensburg, PA to visit Grandma and Grandpap Aubrey.  We decided to stay in a hotel instead of making it a day trip like we normally do.  We had  a great time. The kids loved the pool although it was freezing!

 Where do kids get these ideas?

 Laney loves to do flips.  She asked for a balance beam the other day. I put duct tape on the floor.  It worked pretty good!

I guess that's all for now. Adam's cooking tonight and just announced "Dinner is served."  Pray for me please. :-)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Time flies when we're having fun!

 This is the tree in our front yard.  We have had a gorgeous fall!
 We've had lots of fun raking piles of leaves and jumping in them. 
 Jonah loves to "help" with whatever I'm doing. 
 Jacob had his last soccer game.  He really loved playing and learned alot!
 Cowgirl Laney.  She loved this costume!
 Laney and Molly.  Laney is so glad to have Molly in her class this year!
 Jacob is the football player.  He had a fun time at his class halloween party.
 Jacob told his class he would be signing autographs later!  It was pretty funny actually.
 Jonah kept pointing to one boy and saying "it scares me Mommy!"
 What do I write about this?
 Our family took a weekend trip to Tennessee to visit Algie, Mandi, Emma and Mikeala.  We stayed in a cabin on Roan Mountain.  It was great. Laney found this leaf.  I didnt know leaves this big actually existed!
 Laney and Addy.  These two are best friends!

 Jonah loved playing in the rice with his diggers.  What a mess when he was done!  It was well worth it though!

I dedicate this picture to all other moms who forget to look up once in a while!  I could not believe the amount of dirt on this ceiling fan!  Oh well.  What could I do but laugh!